Don Bosco 4 Refugees was a capacity building project of Don Bosco Youth-Net ivzw, consisting of 3 activities and a campaign:
‘Speak Up!’ was a 6-day European training course on youth advocacy which aimed to develop the competences of the pax in developing and implementing advocacy actions focussed at impacting local, regional, national or European youth policy, in particular policies affecting young refugees. The TC took place at the Salesianum in Vienna (AT), from 27/03/2016 until 03/04/2016.
‘Crossing Borders’ was a 6 day youth exchange on intercultural learning and migration, aiming at introducing local volunteers to international youth work. The venue for this activity was the Aktionszentrum Benediktbeuern (DE), taking place from 30/07/2016 until 06/08/2016.
'Take the next step’ was a 4-day training seminar aimed at transforming an international voluntary experience of returning volunteers into active citizenship in local community, with a thematic focus on young refugees. The venue was the Saint John Bosco College in Battersea (UK), from 16/11/2016 until 21/11/2016.
Through these 3 activities the participants were developing a campaign which aimed to advocacy for the rights of young refugees in Europe.