This is the summary of the participants’ self-assessment of DBYN’s training course Advocates for Education. This training course took place 08-15/04/2018 at the European Youth Centre in Budapest. This summary shows recorded the learning process of the individual participants, based on an online survey. The survey was carried out before the start and at the end of the training course.
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This is the summary of the participants’ evaluation of DBYN’s training course Advocates for Education. This training course took place 08-15/04/2018 at the European Youth Centre in Budapest. This summary evaluation is the unedited form, providing the original feedback of the participants.
The summary evaluation made by the participants of our 2014 training course 'All Alien!'. This video was produced by the participants of DBYN's training course 'All Alien!'. This training course was organised with the support of the European Youth Foundation. A short stop motion film developed by the participants of DBYN's training course 'All Alien!' This training course was organised with the support of the European Youth Foundation. A short video message from the participants of DBYN's training course All Alien! This training course was organised with the support of the European Youth Foundation. |