This week will start the first project “(B)EUROPE: AN EXPERIENCE TO SHARE” from TGS Nazionale in collaboration with Don Bosco Youth-Net. The Salesian School from Soverato will travel with a group of 30 young people from 22nd to 26th February to Brussels to live a study experience dedicated to meeting the main European institutions and confronting the bodies and spaces of civil society. "(B)EUROPE: AN EXPERIENCE TO SHARE" in fact, aims at fostering experiences of active and European citizenship, deepening the common cultural roots and heritage as European citizens, confronting national and international institutions, acting as a bridge between multiple cultures and realities, rediscovering the educational and social side of experiential tourism. It is a project that wants to reflect the principles dear to Don Bosco: the growth of good Christians and upright citizens. As a Salesian association, we want to guide our members and participants through an educational and training experience that emphasises the connection between Christian values and being responsible and active citizens. An initial meeting with the participants took place on 27 January at the Salesian institute in Soverato with the mayor of the city to discuss the functioning of local institutions. Much of the meeting also focused on what it means to be an 'active citizen' nowadays.
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February 2024