“Youth Guardians: Integrating safeguarding and mental health in youth work” is a mid-level training course, aimed at youth workers between 18-30 years old. The aims of this programme was to explore the symbiotic relationship between mental health, human rights, and safeguarding. With this connection participants gained an understanding of why these three elements cannot be treated in isolation. We ensured that the participants comprehended and know how to put in practice the importance of responsible and sensitive action in both safeguarding and mental health matters. The training course took place from the 23rd to the 29th March 2024 in Farnières, Grand-Halleux, Belgium. Objectives The main objectives of this training course are to develop and implement a qualitative learning programme on Mental Health and Safeguarding policies in youth work, aimed at generating strategic impact on DBYN Member Organisations and the youth sector. In order to put achieve in this aim, we put forward these objectives: 1. To develop knowledge, competences, and skills of our youth workers to work with children and young who are facing mental health problems, but with a focus on the most vulnerable in their target groups. 2. To give the knowledge and guidelines we have of our Safeguarding policy and work based in ‘Dignity’ developed publication of DBYN. 3. To share successful approaches, polices, and strategies to expose participants to a range of best practices in Safeguarding and Mental Health. 4. To support our youth workers with good practices and specific activities that can be learned from trainers and other participants, originating in their own organisations. 5. To act as a multipliers within organisations. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. ‘Advocacy in Action: Safeguarding a sustainable and peaceful future’ was a training course for youth representatives, organised as a study session in the European Youth Centre of Strasbourg. It took place from Sunday 01 September to Saturday 07 September 2024 (travel days included). Objectives The aim of this study session was to continue the work of DBYN volunteers in representation and continue building capacity for human rights advocacy, especially in the field of sustainability and peace-building. The objectives are as follow:
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. “Mental Health in Youth Work” was an entry-level training course, aimed at youth workers between 18-30 years old. The main aim of the training course was to improve the participants’ skills and develop ways in which they can support young people in improving their mental health. The training course took place from the 1st to the 7th April 2023 in Bollington (UK). Objectives The main aim of the training course was to have youth workers get a better understanding of mental health. The main objectives of this training course were
CAMINO was a 6-day training course on value-based assistance, aiming at introducing the participants to Salesian Chaplaincy and give them tools in how to apply value-based assistance during local and international activities. DBYN's trainers developed a training manual including all session outlines. You can read the manual online, or scroll down for a download button. Advocates for Education was a 6-day training course on youth advocacy, aiming at developing advocacy campaigns volunteers from DBYN's member organisations can implement in their local communities. DBYN's trainers together with the CoE's educational advisor developed a training manual including all session outlines. You can read the manual online, or scroll down for a download button.
Domino is a manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance. This manual has been produced by the Council of Europe's youth department.
Compasito is a manual developed for youth workers, trainers and facilitators on Human Rights Education for children. The manual has been developed by the Council of Europe's Youth Department.
This manual - “Gender Matters” - builds on the educational resources and experience of Compass, the manual on human rights education with young people. It provides practitioners in human rights education with specific education tools and insights for a gender-sensitive approach to human rights education. This manual has been developed by the Council of Europe's Youth Department.
Human rights cannot be defended by legal measures alone. They need to be protected and safeguarded by everyone, including young people. Human rights are best respected and appreciated when we know them, stand up for them and apply them in our lives.
COMPASS is a manual published by the Council of Europe's Youth Sector. COMPASS provides youth leaders, teachers and facilitators of human rights education activities, whether professional or volunteers, with concrete ideas and practical activities to engage, involved and motivate young people in leiving, learning and activing for human rights. It promotes a comprehensive perspective on human rights education and sees young people as actors for a culture of universal human rights. COMPASS was originally published in 2002 and is now available in more that 30 languages. A Version specifically designed for human rights education with children - COMPASITO - enjoys a similar success. This fully revised and updated edition includes new activities and information about human rights issues such as disability, migration, religion, remembrance, war and terrorism. COMPASS is a practical tool and resource for citizenship and human rights education. It is an essential companion for all those who are curious and interested in making the right to human rights education a reality for everyone. |