How can a Youth Exchange developed within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme be used as a complementary element of youth work? This publication explores all phases of Youth Exchanges -drafting, planning, preparation, implementation, conclusion and dissemination- and provides insight on what young people can learn in each phase, and how a youth worker or a youth leader can facilitate the learning process. Click on image to download
This research publication helps anyone working with youth to better understand the NEET issue and how you can effectively respond to the needs of young people in different NEET situations. Click on image to download NEET — Not in Employment Education or Training. The term is simple, but the complex range of problems, causes and individual circumstances this umbrella term refers to is anything but simple or uniform. While the term is used frequently by policy makers, and its use has become inescapable, using the term – given the ambiguity of what or whom it refers to – can often be unsatisfactory. This publication favours the term ‘in a NEET situation’, rather than use ‘NEET’ as a noun to describe a type of person. Likewise, there is no one action or strategy youth work can latch onto as ‘what to do about NEET situations’, anymore than there is one single type of NEET situation. The ‘On Track’ research publication is a tool for anyone working with youth to understand the essential concepts behind the NEET issueand how very different approaches are and should be taken towards young people in very different types of NEET situation. ‘On Track’ presents practical youth work interventions that address the very different causal factors of NEET. The examples show you how and why these practices work. An ideal source of inspiration. This booklet is part of the SALTO 'Inclusion for ALL' series. Check out the complete series at A compass to international Inclusion projects. The best of the SALTO Inclusion youth work manuals in one publication. Click on image to download Are you working with young people from fewer opportunity backgrounds? Would you like to add international mobility projects to your box of educational tools? Or are you working with “mainstream” youth? Are you interested in opening up your international projects to include (more) young people from fewer-opportunity target groups? Then this booklet might be just what you are looking for... “Inclusion A to Z” is designed to help open up Erasmus+: Youth in Action activities to as many potential users as possible. The booklet is intended to serve as a compass to help you steer through the issues of inclusion and the steps to managing an international-level activity from beginning to end. The combination of theory and practical methods presented here aim to equip you to either take your first steps into Erasmus+: Youth in Action with your inclusion group OR to improve the quality and scope of your current inclusion activities. Inclusion A to Z will help YOU to start creating new and exciting chances for young people to get involved and “go international”. With the launch of the Erasmus+ programme, the sections in our Inclusion booklets about Youth in Action became outdated. Instead of updating each single SALTO Inclusion booklet, we merged the best of each publication in one sturdy youth work manual for inclusion. Check out more SALTO Inclusion publications at An inspirational guide to setting up inclusive & participative 'Strategic Partnerships' in the youth field. Click on image to download Are you working with young people with fewer opportunities (excluded or disadvantaged) and want to give them an opportunity to truly participate in society? Then this publication is for you! In this inspirational guide, we will take you on a practical journey towards change and social justice. We will show you how to set up true participative projects for and with young people who usually fall out of the boat. The course of a person’s life often depends on a few crucial experiences. And you can generate such trigger moments. Best of all is that the European Commission funds strategic longer-term initiatives. For years, inclusion and participation have been a priority within the Youth in Action Programme. This publication gives you the ins and outs of securing funding through Strategic Partnerships (Key Action 2) of the Erasmus+ Programme, with a focus on youth. Besides the funding information, we also give you tips and tricks to make your inclusion & participation projects as effective as possible. This publication coaches you through the different steps to make sure your project fits the needs of the young people you are working with and the community surrounding them. But where do you start? We help you to think outside the box by giving some examples of projects that we know of. Each of them shows how you can use the resources within the Strategic Partnerships (Key Action 2) to improve inclusion and participation. But it is, of course, up to you to adapt them to your goals. And don’t forget that Erasmus+ is only one funding format amongst many others. ‘Strategic Partnerships’ are there to support your projects and not to limit them. The core of the ideas in this guide stem from the Greenhouse Seminar developed in cooperation of the Belgian, German and Hungarian National Agencies and the SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres Inclusion and Participation. It took place in May 2014 in Berlin. Check out more SALTO Inclusion publications at Discover the key findings from a research on social challenges faced by young people in (sub)urban areas. This publication gives an overview of the issues at stake in cities and analysed a variety of urban interventions to extract criteria for success. Click on image to download Cities can be tough places for young people to grow up. Urban areas offer great opportunities, but they can also present big challenges - especially for those with fewer advantages. This publication shows how youth and community workers play an important role to support young people in the cities, so that they can reach their full potential and make a positive transition to adult life. This research publication shares some insight and tips for anybody working with young people in (sub)urban areas: This study examines some of the big issues young people face in our cities today: unemployment, schooling, lacking facilities, distrust,... Further, it identifies the key components of working effectively with urban youth and highlights a number of successful interventions across Europe. We hope this booklet inspires change, as any crisis can be seen as an opportunity to improve current practice. Go for it! This booklet is part of the SALTO 'Inclusion for ALL' series. Check out the complete series at Discover the key findings from a research on youth employment and social exclusion. This publication presents success criteria for employment projects for young people with fewer opportunities. (2014 update) Click on image to download This publication helps practitioners to develop and carry out successful actions to support young people to find a job, especially those at a disadvantage compared to their peers. The report lists 4 key elements for effective and motivating employment projects: involvement and participation of young people; holistic coordination and governance; non-formal learning approaches; a few remarks about entrepreneurship. This publication contains: Some key concepts around youth and social exclusion. Trends in youth employment in recent years in the European Union. Outline of the impact of the economic crisis on youth employment; Overview of key EU youth policy development; Collection of recommended approaches that have been found to be effective when attempting to get excluded youth into the labour market. This booklet is part of the SALTO 'Inclusion for ALL' series. Check out the complete series at Get inspired for youth employment and entrepreneurship: key-notes, project examples and actions from the Bridges to Work stakeholder conference. (Antwerp, 2011) Click on image to download Bridges to Work was an engaging European conference aimed at creating better opportunities for young people on the labour market, especially for those who are at a disadvantage, compared to their peers. 150 stakeholders, including young job seekers, employers, youth projects, policy-makers, funding programmes and researchers, exchanged experiences and developed future actions to help lead young people into employment or entrepreneurship. This report shares the key-note contributions, the inspiring project examples and the proposals for concrete action to improve the employment situation of young people with fewer opportunities. We give you the bricks of inspiration, but you will have to build the bridges. This booklet is part of the SALTO 'Inclusion for ALL' series. Check out the complete series at Practical tips and hands-on methods for making most of the Youthpass process. Start using Youthpass with your inclusion group! Click on image to download 'Youthpass Unfolded' is about three things: the Youthpass process in its different phases; different methods and tools for making the Youthpass process happen; reflections on Youthpass and recognition for inclusion groups. This handbook targets those who are involved in facilitating the learning process of young people in Youth in Action projects: mentors, youth workers/leaders, coaches, trainers... Youthpass was created in 2007 as the recognition tool for the Youth in Action programme. Since its introduction, many youth workers and youth leaders have been developing different ways of supporting young people in their learning within the YiA programme. Youthpass has inspired many people to think about and discuss the topic of learning. 'Youthpass Unfolded' takes a closer look at all of these questions and attempts to answer some of them. Special attention is given to overcoming obstacles that some young people might face when it comes to learning. This way, the Youthpass process becomes accessible to all. Understand youth unemployment and learn to use Youth in Action projects as tools to support the access of young people with fewer opportunities to the labour market. (2010 update) Click on image to download "Young people have profited less from inclusion and active labour market policies than other age groups" The Renewed Social Agenda, Thematic Study on Policy Measures concerning Disadvantaged Youth, 2005; KoK Report 2004. At the same time, it is a generally acknowledged trend that the rate of youth unemployment is mostly higher than the adult unemployment rate and tends to vary more in response to variations in economic conditions, increasing more in recessions and recovering more quickly during booms. Hence the explosive rise in youth unemployment in the economic context of some past years in Europe is not a surprise, with youth unemployment having reached almost 30-40% in some European countries. Unemployment is a complex, social phenomenon and efforts towards combating it require a well-planned strategic approach, combining integrated policy measures with effective practices. There exist many inspiring practices in different European countries, and together with some theoretical elaborations on the issue, this publication also takes a look at these. While it is evident that a lot has already been done to work on unemployment among young people, unfortunately there is yet no need to be afraid of being "out-of-work" in that area. So what is your next step in the work on youth unemployment? This booklet is part of the SALTO 'Inclusion for ALL' series. Check out the complete series at Make most out of your youth (in action) project. Making Waves takes you on a journey of raising the visibility of your project and it helps you to get your project results out to the people. With lots of practical tips and tricks to get you started. Make Waves - Have Impact! (2010 Update) Click on image to download Are you one of the thousands of youth project organisers in Europe? Trying to make a little change with the youth work you do? Maybe you want to have some bigger impact? It only takes a little bit more effort and strategic thinking! Your youth project is like a stone thrown in the water: it creates some ripples or waves on the water, your youth work intends to have some impact. This booklet helps you think and plan how you can make the biggest possible waves with your project. Be proud of your work! 'Making Waves' gives you some practical suggestions to increase the visibility your project. The more people know about your work, the better. Surely your project generates some wonderful results or products: new methods, a CD-rom, learning, a theatre-play, recommendations to decision-makers,... Don't sit on your project results - share them with others! 'Making Waves' lists some tips and tricks about you to disseminate your results. But it would even be better if your project results were actually also USED. 'Making Waves' guides you through the exploitation of your project results. Visibility, dissemination and exploitation of results (sometimes called 'valorisation') are important features of the Youth in Action programme. SALTO-YOUTH pro-actively took up its 'support role' within the YiA programme and developed this practical publication for youth workers faced with these visibility, dissemination and exploitation requests in their projects. 'Making Waves' hopes to give you inspiration about how to make the most out of your project and create the best waves possible! |