“Youth Guardians: Integrating safeguarding and mental health in youth work” is a mid-level training course, aimed at youth workers between 18-30 years old. The aims of this programme was to explore the symbiotic relationship between mental health, human rights, and safeguarding. With this connection participants gained an understanding of why these three elements cannot be treated in isolation. We ensured that the participants comprehended and know how to put in practice the importance of responsible and sensitive action in both safeguarding and mental health matters. The training course took place from the 23rd to the 29th March 2024 in Farnières, Grand-Halleux, Belgium. Objectives The main objectives of this training course are to develop and implement a qualitative learning programme on Mental Health and Safeguarding policies in youth work, aimed at generating strategic impact on DBYN Member Organisations and the youth sector. In order to put achieve in this aim, we put forward these objectives: 1. To develop knowledge, competences, and skills of our youth workers to work with children and young who are facing mental health problems, but with a focus on the most vulnerable in their target groups. 2. To give the knowledge and guidelines we have of our Safeguarding policy and work based in ‘Dignity’ developed publication of DBYN. 3. To share successful approaches, polices, and strategies to expose participants to a range of best practices in Safeguarding and Mental Health. 4. To support our youth workers with good practices and specific activities that can be learned from trainers and other participants, originating in their own organisations. 5. To act as a multipliers within organisations. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. “Mental Health in Youth Work” was an entry-level training course, aimed at youth workers between 18-30 years old. The main aim of the training course was to improve the participants’ skills and develop ways in which they can support young people in improving their mental health. The training course took place from the 1st to the 7th April 2023 in Bollington (UK). Objectives The main aim of the training course was to have youth workers get a better understanding of mental health. The main objectives of this training course were